Classes for square (and rectangular) boxes, optionally with some content. - harryak/scss_tiles
An opinionated styleguide for writing sane, maintainable and scalable Sass. the structure and/or role of a file;; the goal of a ruleset;; the idea behind a magic 9 Apr 2018 Even with the help of preprocessors such as SASS, we still need to have a file structure. Therefore having a plan for your CSS is vital. There are 20 Mar 2017 Part of a good CSS architecture is file organization. A monolithic Current browsers have limits on how many files they can download at once. 3 Apr 2013 How to structure a Sass project. One of the most useful features of Sass is being able to separate your stylesheets into separate files. You can Setting up a sane file structure will really help you organize your projects. You'll be better able to manage your Sass and so will the rest of your team. Normally, a
- SCSS - Modules - Module folder - SCSS file - JS file - _base.scss (contains normalize and general semantics styles) - _layout.scss (contains mostly paddings and margins) - _global.scss (contains global class names) - _modules.scss… Responsive front-end HTML and SCSS starter template using a simple Flexbox Grid, basic Design System patterns and ES6 support for writing JavaScript functions. Powered by Gulp. - markteekman/BaseCSS :tada: Sassy starter - HTML / SCSS (Smacss). Contribute to minamarkham/sassy-starter development by creating an account on GitHub. A summarized guide for organizing CSS, from class names to file structure, with examples - j-d-b/css-styleguide Lime scss framework is a lightweight scss framework based flexbox, with NO javascript dependency. - mysticman/lime-scss A Yeoman generator for scaffolding web projects. Contribute to xfiveco/generator-xh development by creating an account on GitHub.
Overview Bear Skin is the default theme for the Bear starter profile, which is a profile to use as a starter kit when building a new site. Bear Skin does not rely on the profile, but can be used as a simple, clean theme. A small utility to convert JSON file(s) into SASS/SCSS files. - rlapoele/json-to-scss A file structure for the static files portion of your website. - itswil/static-skeleton An opinionated and simple starter kit that contains the basic structure and code files to quickly start developing web pages or apps. - john-mantas/boilerplate SCSS Boilerplate. Contribute to Edeltraudt/pupuck-scss development by creating an account on GitHub. Compass-based SCSS starter package for new projects - jhogue/scss-scaffold
The "7" refers to seven thematic directories (which is programmer-speak for “folder”) you put your files in, which funnel into the “1”: a single .scss file compiled
[finished] Manage Your SCSS files ! Contribute to Barbapapazes/manage-scss-files development by creating an account on GitHub. A blank canvas file structure for Itcss methodology - wp-kit/itcss - SCSS - Modules - Module folder - SCSS file - JS file - _base.scss (contains normalize and general semantics styles) - _layout.scss (contains mostly paddings and margins) - _global.scss (contains global class names) - _modules.scss… Responsive front-end HTML and SCSS starter template using a simple Flexbox Grid, basic Design System patterns and ES6 support for writing JavaScript functions. Powered by Gulp. - markteekman/BaseCSS :tada: Sassy starter - HTML / SCSS (Smacss). Contribute to minamarkham/sassy-starter development by creating an account on GitHub. A summarized guide for organizing CSS, from class names to file structure, with examples - j-d-b/css-styleguide Lime scss framework is a lightweight scss framework based flexbox, with NO javascript dependency. - mysticman/lime-scss